Best Os X Mail App For Gmail

Kiwi for Gmail Mac Os X Software, Install Mac Os X, Mac Os X Install Disc, Mac Os X Download, Mac Os, Mac Os X Upgrade Free, Mac Os X Icons, Mac Os X Leopard, Web Mail, Google Apps, Microsoft Windows, Mac Os X V10 4. How to Turn Gmail Into the Best Note-Taking App for You - MakeUseOf gmail app store internet tools. Mar 11, 2018  For that purpose, though, Apple’s Mail app is your best bet. Winner: Apple Mail/iOS Mail. Gmail vs iOS Mail: Which app offers better security and spam protection? Gmail and Apple, both offer best-in-class security and spam protection. Google powers Gmail. And the company takes necessary measures to ensure email security isn’t compromised. For those who live and die with Gmail's web interface but want a more deeply integrated OS X experience than a web browser can provide, Mailplane is far and away the best option.

Gmail seems to be the main email provider and no wonder – it is free and it has the best spam filtering and protection. But the Gmail web interface is a bit clunky so it is nice to be able to use Gmail with the built in Apple mail program. Here’s how to set up Apple mail to work with Gmail.

1. Make sure you have a Gmail account.

You need to know your Gmail address (e.g. and password because you will need to enter them into Apple mail. If you don’t have a Gmail account here is how to sign up

– Go to and click on “Sign Up”

– Fill in the details – you’ll need to pick a gmail email address and a password. After this is done you will get a verification page that says something like this at the bottom:

2. Enter your Gmail address into Apple mail.

– Open Apple mail, and go to the “Mail’ menubar at the top of the screen and then select ‘Preferences’ from the menu.

– Select the ‘Accounts’ tab. From here you can manage your mail accounts.

– Press the ‘+’ button – this means add a new account.

You will be asked which email provider – select Google.

-You will be prompted for your Google login details:.

– You will be taken back to the Apple Mail preferences screen. There are some settings you should change here.

1. Click on the mailbox behaviours tab.

If there are problems in Apple mail with Gmail this is where they seem to be caused – multiple drafts appearing, deleted emails reappearing etc. It can take a bit of trial and error getting these settings right but these settings below have been working for me for over a year so this should give you a great head start. In these drop-down menus you will find a long list of folders. Some of them are folders in your Gmail account and some of them are folders on your home computer.

Here are the settings I suggest:

My recommended settings for mailbox behaviours when using Gmail in Apple mail. Junk is the Gmail junk folder. The only local folder is ‘Drafts’.

Notes on Mailbox Behaviours


Select the local ‘On My Mac’ Drafts folder not the Gmail Drafts folder. This means that any drafts I begin to type on my home computer will not be available from my iOS devices. The other option is that you select the Gmail ‘Drafts’ folder. You should save draft messages on Gmail if you want your drafts to show when you open Gmail on the web. But the problem with this is Apple mail makes a backup copy of your draft email every few minutes as you are typing it. All these draft emails made by Apple mail will get stored in your gmail Drafts folder and you end up multiple versions of the same mail message.

You need to select the [Gmail] /Sent Mail folder because Gmail automatically keeps a copy of your sent messages and puts them in its ‘send mail folder.’ This tells Apple mail where to find those sent emails which is useful if you want to se your sent emails from different computers. You only need this option checked if your email provider doesn’t keep a copy of your sent emails automatically.

You don’t need to select a trash mailbox at all because Google automatically keeps a copy of your trashed mail. The “Trash” option is for email providers who don’t keep a copy of all your deleted emails. If you select a mailbox here Apple mail will save all your deleted items to this trash folder in case you want to undo the delete. This will result in multiple copies of all your trashed emails because Google already keeps a copy.

You want the Google “junk” option ticked not the local On My Mac one because Gmail automatically takes care of junk mail – you don’t want the Apple mail program deleting it. Don’t turn on the Apple junk mail filters. Gmail automatically sorts spam before it reaches your computer.

– That’s it.

– You can close the preferences window. (Click save if it prompts you to save the new settings).

– There should be some welcome messages from Gmail waiting for you in your Apple mail.


On the left-hand side of your mail app there should be a little folder called [Gmail] that looks like this:

The All Mail folder contains every mail you have sent or received and even the emails you have deleted. This is where you go if you want to find an old email that you have deleted.

The drafts folder will be empty all the time because you are not storing your draft emails on the gmail server.

Sent mail will contain all the emails you have sent.

Trash will be empty. All your deleted emails are kept in the All Mail folder – you don’t need another copy in the trash.

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in the article you say: “You want the Google “junk” option ticked not the local On My Mac”
but in the picture the is selected the “On My Mac” junk folder

Which one is correct?

ReplyWaynesays:March 4, 2018 at 12:36 pm

Yes that is the Gmail/Junk folder. It doesn’t have the [Gmail] name in it for some reason but it is the Gmail folder in the picture.


Best Email App For Gmail

Manuelsays:March 4, 2018 at 7:53 am

Moreover I had to select the Gmail/Trash folder, otherwise the mails were complitely removed without using the trash

ReplyMichael Duane BrownBestsays:September 2, 2018 at 8:07 pm

Wayne is wrong about name with icon. Manuel is correct. The name with the icon should be “[Gmail]/Spam,” not “Junk” as way says… twice.

ReplyDave Spanglersays:September 3, 2018 at 10:00 am

2017 iMac OS 10.13.6 Wife’s gmail went offline on Apple Mail. Mine works fine. I set up her own Gmail login with, checked iMap setting on, sent test email from my gmail, it all works. BUT I cannot get her gmail via Apple Mail to go online. Eventually removed her gmail from Apple mail, restarted, and attempted add gmail account. Process after email identity and password hangs. Same when I attempt to add internet account through Preferences, says cannot confirm gmail account ?? I can still send gmail to her account from my gmail. ??#! Is reinstalling OS High Sierra next move?

ReplyWaynesays:September 3, 2018 at 10:19 pm

Your removing of Gmail and then adding it again was a good idea. Strange that it didn’t work.
Is this all on the same computer or do you have 2 computers?
Some other things to try…
– does your email work if added to your wife’s computer
– try adding your wife’s gmail to a different computer
– completely remove all Gmail accounts from the computer under ‘Internet Accounts’ in System Preferences

ReplyKevinsays:September 18, 2018 at 11:03 am


I had an issue with the set up and wonder if anyone has some advice. I get to the point where i am prompted to “select apps you want to use with this account”, I click “mail” and then hit “done”, the done key grays out and then nothing happens, if i click “cancel” I have to start over and the same thing happens.

ReplyTerry Dalinesays:October 4, 2018 at 9:27 am

Kevin: i have the exact same problem – were you able to resolve it ??
thanks – td

ReplyJoe Tsays:October 8, 2018 at 7:47 pm

I struck the same problem as Terry this morning. My new Macbook Pro won’t let me reestablish my gmail account. Hangs as above. I even tried 2 step authentication, but doesn’t help. The gmail works ok on my old (mid 2009) Mackbook Pro, though. It’s running an old version of Mac OS. Maybe it’s something to do with Mac Sierra and Google not cooperating!


ReplyEdsays:October 23, 2018 at 5:09 pm

I have the same problem. Somebody can help ? Thanks

ReplyEd Gsays:February 3, 2019 at 5:28 am

I set up Gmail amount in MAC mail. I can send messages from gmail successfully. However, any message sent from my .mac address is treated as spam/trash by gmail – so the receiving person doesn’t see my message. The same message sent from .mindspring or .gmail is received correctly.
Any clues?

ReplyAnthonysays:March 31, 2019 at 6:24 pm

Correct settings below.

Don’t save sent messages on the server. Sent messages are automatically copied to the Gmail/Sent folder if your email client uses SMTP.
Save draft messages on the server if you want your drafts to show when you open Gmail on the web.

Don’t save deleted messages on the server. You can find messages you delete from an IMAP folder in your “All Mail” label in Gmail.
Don’t change your IMAP settings to save deleted messages in the Trash. When you do this, any messages you delete from your email client will get permanently deleted from Gmail in 30 days.

Junk mail & spam
Don’t turn on your client’s junk mail filters. Gmail automatically sorts spam and malware before it reaches your client.

ReplyAnthonysays:March 31, 2019 at 6:25 pm

Sent Mailbox under Mailbox behaviours should also be selected to the local mailbox in Apple Mail as Google auto puts sent emails into Google’s sent mailbox.

The setting indicated above by the OP will duplicate your sent items.

ReplyWaynesays:April 3, 2019 at 12:56 pm

I have done it as above so as to make the sent mails available on other computers as well. Sometimes I’m on my laptop and want to search for an email that I sent form my desktop. I think this is the only way to sync those 2.

ReplyAlisonsays:February 11, 2020 at 12:29 pm

Help! I don’t want to keep every email I have deleted in AllMail on the gmail server. After years of deleting, the AllMail file used up my storage unbeknownst to me. Now I would like to set up my MacMail 13.0 (10.15.3 Catalina) to delete my email forever. I see different solutions/settings presented and I am confused. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Replyjacksays:April 9, 2020 at 2:21 pm

What is the proper setting under “sServer Setting
Earthlink or Google

ReplyWaynesays:April 12, 2020 at 2:58 pm

If your earthlink email address is hosted by google then put in the google settings.

ReplyAlicia Huntsays:April 12, 2020 at 8:40 am

Gmail doesn’t want to send mail anymore, using applemail. I think that i need new server information for gmail. Where would i find that?


Gmail App For Mac

says:April 12, 2020 at 2:56 pm

Apple is playing more nicely with Google recently. Just select add new account, select Gmail, it will add the information automatically. All you need is your Google email and password.


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Emailing is probably the activity we do the most on our computers. Even if you don't work on a computer during the day, you probably sit down in front of it to check your inbox at the end of the day. If the Mail app that comes with your Mac doesn't provide the features you need, you're in luck. There are dozens of great email apps in the Mac App Store. I've tested many of them and these are my favorites. Each one has a little something special that makes it unique.


Polymail for Mac has a fantastic interface with cute buttons everywhere so you don't have to think about what to do next. It actually looks like it belongs on a mobile device, except that you click the buttons instead of tapping them.

There is a fourth section that appears whenever you select an email, which displays all of the past correspondences you've had with that particular contact or group of contacts. It's great for quickly tracking down something you've talked about in the past.

You can set up new mail with a pre-made template, send calendar invites, get notifications when someone has read your email, and schedule an email to be sent at a later time.

You can also write or respond to emails with rich text formatting. So, if you want to change the font, add bold lettering, bullet point a section, or just slap an emoji in there, it's all available right from the toolbar at the top of your new email. The only thing it's missing is Touch Bar support, which would really make this app shine.

Polymail can be used for free, but you'll need to sign up for a subscription if you want all of the awesome features that make Polymail stand out, like read notifications, send later, and messaging templates. You can add these features for as low as $10 per month. If you are a heavy email user and these features entice you, give the free trial a run to see if it's worth your money.

If you want your computer email experience to look and feel more like a mobile experience, with big, easy-to-find action buttons, Polymail is the one for you.

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Spark has this 'Smart Inbox' feature that separates mail into categories: Personal, Notifications, Newsletters, Pinned, and Seen. That is, any email that is from someone in your contacts or otherwise looks like a personal email will be filtered to the top of the inbox list. Below that, in a separate section, emails that look like alerts from companies you deal with, like your gas company or Amazon, that include some kind of alert or notification. Below that, you'll see a section called 'Newsletters' which is exactly that. Below that, there are emails you've flagged or tagged as important in some way. Lastly, emails you've seen, but haven't moved to another folder.

Spark also allows you to snooze an email and come back to take care of it at a later time. This is invaluable when you regularly get emails that you need to respond to but don't have time for until the end of the day. I use it all of the time.

It also has gesture-based actions for getting to inbox zero. You can swipe to the right or left to delete, archive, pin, or, mark an email as unread.

And it has Touch Bar support, which I love.

Spark is best for people that like to have their inbox organized before they go through and move emails to new folders, address them, or delete them entirely. If that sounds appealing to you, try Spark.

Kiwi for Gmail

If you have one or more Gmail accounts, you should consider switching to Kiwi. This all-in-one triumph brings the look and feel of Gmail for the web to the desktop in the form of an app. With the service's unique Focus Filtered Inbox, you can view your messages based on Date, Importance, Unread, Attachments, and Starred. In doing so, you can prioritize your emails in real-time.

Perhaps the best reason to use Kiwi for Gmail is its G Suite integration. Thanks to the app, you now get to experience Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, as windowed desktop applications. Kiwi is available for Mac and Windows.

Best os x mail app for gmail account


New on our list for 2020, Postbox has been designed for professionals, but anyone with more than one email account should continue using it. Available for Mac and Windows, Postbox works with any IMAP or POP account, including Gmail, iCloud, Office 365, and more.

Postbox offers one of the fastest email search engines available, which is ideally suited when you need to find files, images, and other attachments. With the app's built-in Quick Bar, you can move a message, copy a message, switch folders, tag a message, Gmail label a message, or switch folders with just a few keystrokes.

Looking for more? Postbox comes with 24 (counting) themes, and much more.

Your favorite?

What's going to be your next email client for Mac?

Updated February 2020: Guide updated to reflect price changes and more.

macOS Catalina


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